Coach Ed said it best on the Friendly Frogs Facebook Page!
Congratulations to everyone!
City meet champions for both - the open and the championship meets!
Undefeated season!
3rd place for the swim for cancer efforts!
Well done Coach Erin!
Thank you to everyone - parents, pool board, pool members, former Frogs, staff, special kudos to Coach Erin and her staff and more important, to all the swimmers who every week tried their best to get better and swam their hearts out every time they raced!
And like like our own cheer says:
Friendly number one,
can’t be number two,
come on everybody do the frog bugaloo!
There were a number of articles and photo albums featuring the Friendly Frogs in the Greensboro News & Record:
And thank you to Bruce Cantrell for passing on some City Meet photos! They can be viewed in this Friendly Frogs Dropbox public link:
If you have photos or videos to share, please continue sharing on the Friendly Park Facebook Page, or email to